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paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much https://t.co/NRwx2C1SMc https://t.co/T6qf7YvR9P

Sep 22, 2021, 19 tweets

I think this and next week's premium are my best work yet, though it was hard to write and listen to, as a heads up

Dr. Donald Lunde

Dr. Lunde was at Atascadero when Kemper was there, before his killing spree, yet nobody ever mentions it?

Dr. Lunde testified at Kemper's trial, and Frazier's, and Mullin's

Lunde testified at the Hollywood Strangler's trial too

and Dan White's

Dr. Lunde examined Larry Layton of Jonestown

also involved in the Hughes insanity investigation

also, in the Girl in the Box case, arguing that mind control doesn't exist 👀

anyway, Agent Douglas of Mindhunter never mentions Dr. Lunde whatsoever, even though he was extremely relevant to multiple serial killers that formed the core of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, weird huh?

then I go into the Atlanta Child Murders, which were never really solved

Wayne Williams was only ever convicted of killing two adults, remember

as it turns out, the list of victims was easily maybe 2-3 times larger, and there were adults that fit the initial parameters, or perhaps it would make sense to say that the list was constructed so as to intentionally exclude certain victims

in the episode, I mention the CIA Study of Assassination which came out in relation to their PBSUCCESS operation in Guatemala, here's a page from it; you can find it online

Camille Bell, one of the mothers leading the Committee to Stop Children’s Murders (who did not believe Wayne Williams killed her child)

now, this is a picture of Marc Dutroux, because there's no good picture for the ring of child p*rnographers that the Atlanta PD uncovered when investigating the Atlanta Child Murders.

none of them were ever considered suspects, though!

many of the missing children knew each other; many were seen on the streets after their disappearances; many feared for their lives; many made calls to people after their disappearances; many of them were seen with or around some of those involved in the CP ring

things get really dark, but they'll just get darker next episode. it all comes back to who Wayne Williams really was, which'll be next week.

check it out.

oh forgot to mention Biggie Smalls and his friend Gutter, as mentioned in the song What's Beef?

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