Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan

Sep 22, 2021, 10 tweets

Here is our new definitive video report -- in light of the new proof from Politico's @SchreckReports that the key Biden emails from Hunter's laptop were authentic -- on the gigantic pre-election fraud from the CIA, Big Tech and the corporate media:…

There is no way to overstate what a massive scandal this is. In the weeks before the election, the CIA invented a blatant lie: that the NY Post's documents were "Russian disinformation." Big Tech then *censored* the reporting, and corporate outlets spent weeks spreading the lie:

The reality is that -- *from the start* -- there was ample evidence proving these documents were real, and that the CIA was lying. But the evidence came from right-wing outlets so the NYT, CNN and friends ignored it. The evidence this new book provides leaves no doubt about it:

The huge irony here is even the ex-CIA operatives -- led by Brennan and Clapper -- *admitted* they had no evidence to believe this came from Russia or was fake. Yet none of the outlets that spread their lies -- CNN, NBC, HuffPost, The Intercept -- will mention all this new proof:

It's impossible to list all the major media outlets who uncritically spreading the CIA's lie for weeks. I showed many TV clips in our new video. Here's one thread collecting other key ones before the election. Look at what unreconstructed liars they are:

A key point: the same media outlets that spread the CIA lies that this was "Russian disinformation" -- all to protect Biden -- are the same ones now who insist they *combat* disinformation and need to censor the internet to protect you from it. Look at what slimy frauds they are:

In light of this new proof that the Biden emails were authentic, I re-visit my resignation from @theintercept over their censorship of my reporting: as a microcosm for how media behaved. But remember: this outlet, claiming rigorous editorial standards, laundered the CIA's lies:

Crucially, none of the outlets which spread CIA's pre-election lies will even bother to grapple with this new proof (try to find any mention of it on The Intercept's site), just as they ignored their lies about Alfa Bank, etc. Their job is to lie, hence my conclusion about them:

I realize our new video report is longer than most. An hour in length, it's a mini-documentary, but I hope you'll watch because this episode is so grave: CIA lies were used by corporate media & Big Tech to censor pre-election reporting off the internet:…

CNN is state TV.

That's why their newsroom and airwaves are filled with ex CIA and intelligence operatives, FBI officials, Pentagon functionaries and other security state ghouls telling lies like this under the guise of "news," right out in the open:

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