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In addition, a senior research analyst, CAMERA. Typos=endorsements.

Sep 22, 2021, 6 tweets

"Iron Dome" means "Preventing Hamas rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian targets." For clarity, let's replace the proper noun in some of these tweets. E.g.

"Preventing rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian target perpetuates conflict & injustice."

"Beth Miller, Jewish Voice for Peace Action’s Government Affairs Manager, told Jewish Currents, that preventing Hamas rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian targets would not be included. 'No progressive should support this.'"

"I'm glad funding for Israel preventing Hamas rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian targets got removed from the NDAA!"

"In a historic victory for Palestinians & human rights activists, US progressive democrats have stripped 1 billion of taxpayer dollars allocated specifically preventing Hamas rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian targets."

"I wish I could make the ones on the left disappear from this picture so that the ones on the right can land on a bunch of innocent Jewish houses as intended!"

I haven't forgotten you, tweets that say, "The problem with preventing Hamas rockets from hitting their Jewish, civilian targets is that it makes it easier for Israel to continue opposing Hamas's goal of destroying Israel."

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