Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Sep 22, 2021, 6 tweets

DOOCY TIME: "You're telling us that the DHS chief has the most recent numbers about how many of these Haitians....have been sent back and how many have been released into the U.S. The DHS chief is telling us he doesn't know, so who else can we ask?"

Doocy: “Is this an issue of not knowing or is this an issue of a lot more people are being released into the U.S. then are being sent out?”

Psaki: “That is certainly not the issue.”

Doocy: “Just because you keep using Title 42 to defend this administration's immigration policies, that is a Trump-era regulation. You guys came in saying that the Trump-era immigration policy was very inhumane.”

Psaki: "Title 42 is not an immigration policy."

Doocy points out there’s “Democratic control of Congress” & “many months in office,” but “you have not even tried” to pass immigration.

Psaki: “That's not actually true. There's been a --- Peter, just -- just factual here, there’s been a bill proposed, first day in office.”

Doocy with the question of the day: “Has President Biden ever been to the southern border...We have been looking all morning and we can not find any record of him visiting the border as President, Vice President, senator, or even as a concerned citizen. Why would that be?"

Doocy: “This is a President who makes a point when there are disasters in this country, like a wildfire or that he can have an informed POV to make policy. Why doesn't he do that? Why doesn’t he go down to Dell Rio, Texas and see what's going on?” (6/6)

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