Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Sep 22, 2021, 8 tweets

.@BillFOXLA with a BRUTAL fact-check: “That was an interesting press conference...[Psaki] doesn't believe the migrants down here intend to stay for a long time. That’s news to these folks...They are not traveling from halfway around the world to go on a little camping trip.”

.@BillFOXLA: The WH “made it sound like all these people were going to be sent back to Haiti, don't come here b/c you're not going to get in...That is just not true. Under this administration, catch & release has been happening ever since the Biden administration came in[.]”

.@BillFOXLA: “The bottom line here is...when you're actually on the ground talking with the people dealing with this, talking to the people showing up here, you will understand...The word is out right now that they believe, under this administration, they have a chance to stay.”

.@BillFOXLA: “Once the word gets out that Title 42 could go, border agents say a expected surge on top of the surge on top of the surge, and things could get much worse...[W]e just keep banging our head against the wall as a country and not changing...[S]omething has to change.”

.@BillFOXLA says Haitians are ripping up Chilean IDs b/c their asylum claim “will be rejected if the government knows that these migrants have settled in another country before they come” here. He adds they’re flooding the border now b/c they feel “now is the right time.”

.@JohnRobertsFox & @BillFOXLA point out the disconnect b/w Haitians saying they want asylum due to problems in Haiti...even though many are coming from more stable countries like Chile. Instead, Haitians are coming b/c they know they can get be given jobs here. (6/6)

*can get/be given jobs here.

P.S. I wrote up @BillFOXLA Melugin's incredibly thorough and devastating fact-check of the Biden administration in an item over at @NewsBusters (which includes the *full* transcript)…

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