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CEO DCN. Media strategy, streaming, antitrust, privacy. @wustl, Sporting News, CBS Sports alum. #HoldTheLine #PressFreedom Hear more at @dcnorg

Sep 22, 2021, 9 tweets

In a company under global scrutiny for ethical lapses and a harmful core biz model, you don’t place your loyal lieutenant Andrew Bosworth in charge of all tech unless you’re preparing for war. Act accordingly. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

This is the language of a company in PR crisis mode. As far as I know, Elliot Schrage (took fall for Definers) also still “works there.” A full exit leads to more questions - this is window dressing and a big deal.

And not to state the obvious but this would make me very uncomfortable if I testified to @CommonsDCMS.

ps it's a comically bad idea for the new internal "Privacy Organization" - set up as a result of the $5 billion settlement - reporting into Andrew Bosworth. mlexmarketinsight.com/news-hub/edito…

And a reminder Bosworth writes memo Facebook leaks. I always thought this one was prob co-written and leaked intentionally in Jan 2020 to shape minds after the FTC settlement. It ran in NYT. A few refreshers. Bosworth also likes to discredit the press similar to Zuckerberg.

He’s willing to rewrite history into a narrative more friendly for his company.

And state things that are blatantly false.

And in the spirit of last week’s Facebook Files from WSJ, he also hates the comparisons to nicotine although as @Moonalice pointed out nicotine never undermined democracy or incited genocide etc etc.

and worth watching this brief video for a look into the person now running technology for Facebook and all of its global impact.

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