Liz Harrington Profile picture

Sep 22, 2021, 8 tweets

Remember when we heard about "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!" for 4 years? And then when our elections started looking just like Russia in 2020, you never heard a word about it again?

Imagine if the Washington Post reported on Election Fraud in the U.S. like they do on fraud in Russia

"Multiple videos surfaced that appeared to show ballot stuffing and other tampering...and possible vote buying"

"Golos also criticized the decision to hold the voting over three days, ostensibly a pandemic measure, saying it left ballots vulnerable to interference over two nights..."

"Golos also reported intimidation of observers by election officials or thugs..."

" observer reported Saturday that 200 more ballots were cast than there were total voters."

"several hundred blank ballots had gone missing..."

Opposition party app "was removed from Apple and Google stores in Russia on Friday as voting began..."

Opposition party videos were "blocked on YouTube."

"United Russia was treated to five times more airtime on state television before the elections than all the other parties put together..."

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