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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Sep 22, 2021, 7 tweets

#FremontFire east of #Schellville in Sonoma Co: 3801 reporting 5+ acres but can't see the whole fire. 2nd alarm + a high CAL FIRE dispatch requested including aircraft. Located near Napa Rd & Fremont Dr, very close to the county line.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - AA140 overhead reporting 15 acres in grassy oak woodland w/ moderate rate of spread, no immediate structure threat, potential for 50 acres. 2 addl S-2 tankers requested for a total of 5 + the helitanker out of Napa Co if available.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - AA stating it is now 20+ acres w/ short range spotting out in front, heading towards some vineyards. 1 large air tanker (T15 from McClellan) also assigned as part of the 5 tankers. Updates also on @watchdutyapp.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - IC reporting fire is still moving to the east, no immediate structure threat, have vineyards @ the head of the fire, 5 additional CAL FIRE engines requested. 40 acres per @SonomaScanner.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - AA advising 40-50 acres, fire has started to slow down. T137 & T101 assigned as addl tankers instead of S-2s, for a total of 3 large air tankers. Fire appears to be into Napa Co, started right on the county line.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - AA140 reporting 100 acres & forward progress has slowed, not yet stopped - starting to release the 3 large air tankers & will keep T85 & T86 over the fire.

#FremontFire (E/O #Schellville, Sonoma Co) - All tankers have now been released w/ minimal smoke left on the cameras. The fire was mapped at just over 100 acres via copter. Final update unless something changes.

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