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Kiwi tweeting info on California fires. Tweets not official & should not be treated as such. I work for @watchdutyapp. 🇳🇿 Download WD:

Sep 22, 2021, 7 tweets

#FawnFire in the Mountain Gate area of Shasta Co: AA240 reporting 15-20 acres in timber w/ rapid rate of spread. Appears to be located off Radcliff Rd & Fawndale Rd.

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - AA240 requesting 1 addl S-2 tanker + 1 addl copter w/ crew. No update on conditions since the initial report. Already have T93 T94 T95 + 2 large air tankers assigned (T40 + T131).

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - IC now reporting the fire is 40 acres, hasn't hit the ridge yet.

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - IC reports fire has reached the top of the ridge & has slopped over it, but have retardant across the head & the right flank, approximately 60 acres now.

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - This fire is still active but no scanner updates in a while now. Crews did locate a female in the fire area on Blue Ridge that was dehydrated & confused, an ambulance was requested + it was mentioned that prevention unit was @ scene.

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - The same female mentioned in the above post has since been arrested on "fire-related charges" per the article below.…

#FawnFire (#MountainGate, Shasta Co) - This one is still very active on the cameras but no updates given via radio traffic since before nightfall. Have seen the winds shift a couple of times. Camera link is…

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