Juma G 🇰🇪 Profile picture
Journalist: Business, Political and Socio-Economic issues within and without.

Sep 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Former WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Zarika Urges Girls To Take On Boxing sportpesanews.com/ke/posts/post/… #SportPesaTBT @SportPesa

Former WBC Super Bantamweight champion Fatuma Zarika called on girls to pursue boxing as she graced the unveiling of the newly-upgraded Umoja Boxing Gym on Wednesday. #SportPesaTBT

Zarika, who is a @SportPesa brand ambassador, is one of the female pioneers in the Kenyan boxing fraternity and is an inspiration to many daring to dream in the sport. #SportPesaTBT

Zarika became the first Kenyan to win the WBC title in 2016 when she defeated Alicia Ashley in Michigan and held the title for three years. #SportPesaTBT

"I'm very grateful to be here and this is also my home area, so it fills my heart to see such things happening 

"I want to say thank you to SportPesa and everyone for choosing to help boxers like myself have a chance to realise their dreams," #SportPesaTBT

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