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Navdanya International champions sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, food sovereignty and the rights of small farmers around the world

Sep 23, 2021, 10 tweets

The #UNFSS2021 Summit on #FoodSystems is yet another instrument to reinforce private control over our food systems & diets, repeating the same old rhetoric, same old interests, & same old failures #FoodSystems4People @CSM4CFS @drvandanashiva

#UNFSS2021 takes place under the direct corporate control. They decide what “sustainable” & “healthy” food means, convincing us that their solutions will be ecological enough to keep the current agrifood system intact. #FoodSystems4People @CSM4CFS

#UNFSS2021 maintains industrial food systems that threaten ecosystems, health & democracy & sidelines true ecological food systems, led by small farmers & communities that can solve the multiple crises we face - #foodsystems4people

The capital-intensive proprietary technologies & products proposed by #UNFSS2021 as “game changing solutions” are ecologically destructive, deepen extractivism colonialism patriarchy & inequality & open up more areas for corporate expansion and control.…

The urgent need to transition to biodiversity intensive ecological #FoodSystems includes a transition away from multistakeholderism & technofixes proposed by #UNFSS2021, which is actively choosing to ignore real root solutions #foodsystems4people

An ever-increasing number of voices from outside & inside #UNFSS2021 share the view that the self-proclaimed “People’s Summit” is destined for failure, given its complex, corporate-friendly set-up. #foodsystems4people…

"Malnutrition has become a good market for industrially produced food, which is technically designed for the corporate sector rather than farming communities" #FaridaAkhter▶️ #UNFSS2021 #FoodSystems4People ▶️

Hidden behind “multistakeholder initiatives” within the #UNFSS2021, powerful transnational corporations are directing policy making, financing, narratives and governance while promoting corporate-friendly, false solutions to food systems in crisis. We need #FoodSystems4People ✊🏾

Multi-stakeholder institutions embedded in the #UNFSS2021 leadership & action tracks are disproportionately led by for-profit corporations rooted in neoliberalism and capitalism, prioritizing market interests over #HumanRights. #FoodSystems4People 👉…

Agribusiness, fossil fuel corporations, chemical companies & tech giants are using the @FoodSystems Summit for profit via carbon markets, intellectual property rights, a digital takeover of farming & other false solutions. We need a radical transformation & #FoodSystems4People✊🏾

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