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Journalist || Videos: || Editor of Geopolitical Economy Report (@GeopoliticaEcon) || English/español

Sep 23, 2021, 7 tweets

At the UN, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel denounced US imperialism, which "threatens, extorts and pressures sovereign states," demanding its "allies" help "overthrow legitimate governments"

He noted murderous sanctions have "become the central instrument of US foreign policy"

Cuba's president condemned the Biden admin. for continuing Trump's same criminal policies, waging an "unconventional war," with millions of dollars, "through campaigns of manipulation and lies."

The US goal is "to erase the Cuban Revolution."

"They do not accept alternatives."

"For more than 60 years, the US government has not for one minute stopped its attacks against Cuba."

At the UN, Cuban President Díaz-Canel condemns the United States for tightening its murderous blockade "in such a criminal and opportunist way, in the middle of the pandemic."

At the United Nations, Cuban President Díaz-Canel noted the US uses the term "international community" only to refer to its client states.

"It is behavior associated with ideological and cultural intolerance, with a heavily racist influence and hegemonic goals," he said.

Cuba used its global platform at the United Nations General Assembly to call for reparations for slavery

At the United Nations, Cuba called for an end to US colonialism in Puerto Rico.

“We reaffirm that the brotherly people of Puerto Rico should be free and independent, after more than a century subjected to colonial domination.”

Cuba: "It has been proven that, where the US intervenes, it increases instability, deaths, suffering."

"The United Nations cannot ignore the lesson in Afghanistan." After two decades of US occupation, the only one who benefited from the war was the Military-Industrial Complex.

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