Glenn Greenwald Profile picture
Journalist; Author; Host, @SystemUpdate_; Columnist, @Folha; Founder: @TheInterceptBr; Co-Founder: @theintercept, @abrigo_hope, @FreedomofPress, @idm_org. Vegan

Sep 24, 2021, 8 tweets

I have two specific questions for Congresswoman @AOC about her "present" vote on funding Israel's Iron Dome, and I made a short video to lay out the two questions I have for her:…

A few points from the above video on @AOC's cowardly and staggeringly hypocritical "present" vote on funding Israel's Iron Dome.

First, to denounce @TulsiGabbard's clearly explained 2019 "present" vote on Trump's impeachment, AOC insisted it's *always* wrong to vote "present."

Yesterday was not the first (or worst) "present" vote from AOC. In May, Pelosi demanded $2 billion more for Capitol Police. The Squad all agreed to join the GOP in voting NO -- until they realized that would sink the bill. So AOC changed her vote to PRESENT to ensure it passed.

Those are my 2 questions for AOC's fans. 1) How can you justify her Present vote on Israel & Capitol Police funding after insisting "present" is always cowardly? 2) How can you justify *this*: chanting "DEFUND THE POLICE," then ensuring $2b more for the Police that protects her?

If you don't see by now the utter fraud of AOC -- the self-serving cowardice that molds her character and politics -- then you're willfully blind.

And I say that as someone who vocally supporter her in her 2018 primary when most of her current fans had no idea who she even was.

Here's the interview I did with AOC in 2018 when few knew who she was, which convinced me she'd be an exciting outsider voice.

The next time you go to ask me "What Happened to You?:," watch this and ask it instead of your favorite politician:

Ever since my husband entered elected office and then became a member of Congress, I realized more than before that some compromises are necessary in politics. That's why I defended AOC long after others turned on her.

But these PRESENT votes are 100% inexcusable and cowardly.

By the way, here's the amazing proof of how AOC switched her vote from NO to "PRESENT" on $2 billion in more Capitol Police spending once she realized her no vote would sink the bill rather than just be performative for her fans. Look at the anger of this anti-police activist:

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