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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Sep 24, 2021, 21 tweets

It's time for a #turntable thread
Irving Penn
Jean Patchett for Vogue, 1950
Careful where you put the turntable, Jean! Do you want to electrocute yourself? Don't try this at home!

Desert Island Disc's Roy Plomley with an old-fashioned gramophone on a patch of dry land in the Thames near the bottom of his garden
📷 John Downing, 1982
Careful where you put that gramophone, Roy. Oh, wait, it's a wind-up model.
Never mind.

Kenneth Clark listens to his gramophone: the height of Civilisation!
📷 Sasha, 1934

"Phonograph, n. An irritating toy that restores life to dead noises."
- Ambrose Bierce
Eric Fenby listens to the gramophone that once belonged to Delius.
📷 Michael Ward, 1980

Marlon Brando listens to records on his #turntable
📷 Murray Garrett, 1954

Paul Robeson listens to 78 rpm albums on his #turntable
📷 Gado, July 28, 1942

Paul's listening to the 1940 Porgy and Bess, with the Decca Symphony Orchestra under Alexander Smallens, with Todd Duncan & Anne Brown.

John Peel listens to Fairport Convention
📷 Len Trievnor, 1972
This is Unhalfbricking, their album from 1969

Val Doonican listens to records in his South London Home
📷 John Pratt, 1965
I can't make out any of the albums in the photo. The caption mentions his current song, "The Special Years"

Andrew Loog Oldham listens to a record at his desk. @loogoldham
📷 Harry Thompson, 1966
Whoever the guys on the other side of the desk are will likely soon be big stars.

Edwina Booth tries out a Columbia portable gramophone before her trip to Africa to film Trader Horn
📷 Clarence Sinclair Bull, c. 1930

Chris the sled dog listens to a gramophone in the Ross Dependency of Antarctica, during Captain Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Expedition to the Antarctic
📷 Herbert Ponting, 1911

Sir Robert Reid Bannatyne listens to his gramophone
📷 Erich Auerbach, 1944
Soon after this shot was taken, the Strategic Gramophone Limitation Treaty took effect, & record players got smaller.

Cliff Richard plays some tunes in his dressing room
📷 Brian Foskett, 1958

This is very meta!
Dean Martin as Matt Helm in The Silencers pulls out Sinatra's Sinatra, Frank's 1963 album with Nelson Riddle, but also his own new LP, the Hit Sound of Dean Martin
📷 Martin Mills, c. 1966
Which to play?

Clint Eastwood listens to his records at home, 1959
Clint knew his jazz, even then! #turntable
Barney Kessel, Easy Like, volume 1, from 1956

The other album in that Clint Eastwood shot is Erroll Garner's The Greatest Garner, also from 1956.
"Misty" was on Garner's previous album, Contrasts, from 1955
Clint, play "Misty" for me!

James Dean listens to records in his aunt & uncle's basement in Indiana
📷 Dennis Stock, 1955

Bob Dylan & Richard Manuel listen to LPs
📷 Jan Persson, 1966

Spalding Gray doesn't want us to know what he's listening to on his #turntable
📷 Nancy Campbell

Claudia Cardinale listening to Ella Fitzgerald
📷 Archivo Cameraphoto Epoche, Rome, 1959

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