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Journalist - NUJ Accredited | Husband | Father | Muslim | ♿ Disabled | #OSINT | RT/Like not an endorsement | DM to use my work

Sep 24, 2021, 6 tweets

EXCLUSIVE - A FoI has revealed the @ukhomeoffice knew of a "strong right wing presence" around Napier Barracks in Kent & planned to create a narrative the fence was for asylum seekers safety.

They knew 28 men blocks would have use of 2 toilets, some urinals, 6 sinks & 4 showers.

2/ Here is a list of works carried out by the @ukhomeoffice at Napier Barracks in preparation for housing asylum seekers.

However, this list of repairs and their report on the condition of the Barracks, doesn't fit with the much more grim handover report @DefenceHQ gave them.

3/ The Home Office report says all fire regulations were in order when they took over and no structural problems existed. However, a FoI from the MoD lists rotten fire door, broken windows blocks, rotting windows, structural supports corroded and more.

None of this was rectified

Sleeping conditions for Asylum Seekers previously housed at Napier Barracks in Kent.

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I don't just report something and move on, I get to the heart of an issue & present the facts.

This was how Asylum Seekers were told by private security to avoid close contact with COVID-19 positive people in their dormitories at Napier Barracks last year.

Sit outside in winter.

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