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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Sep 24, 2021, 5 tweets

Remembering Gerry Marsden on his birthday 🎂
📷 A Stanley Bielecki photo from the set of Ferry Cross The Mersey, 1965.
So much energy, such stage presence.
Here from Top of the Pops, 1965:

Gerry Marsden at the Beat Club, Bremen
📷 Gunter Zint, 1965
"We went over with the Beatles & had a good laugh. All they had over there were oompah bands. We took over this music, and they loved it."

I like this more formal portrait of Gerry Marsden, by David Redfern, from 1965.
I learn from Wikipedia that the original name for the band was Gerry Marsden & the Mars Bars, until they got a cease-&-desist letter from Big Chocolate. The Pacemakers broke up in 1967. Short & sweet.

Backstage during the Roy Orbison/Gerry & The Pacemakers UK tour. Oh, & The Beatles...
Paul McCartney, Freddie Marsden, George Harrison, Gerry Marsden, Ringo Starr, Les Maguire, John Lennon, John 'Les' Chadwick, Roy Orbison
📷 Harry Hammond, May 1, 1963

Rehearsals of the talent show scenes for Jeremy Summers' musical film, Ferry Cross The Mersey
📷 Stanley Bielecki, 1965
Here's the trailer for the film:
Fourteen Wonderful Numbers!

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