Tom Bollyky Profile picture
Director of Global Health; Economics & Development @CFR_org. Founder @ThinkGlobalHlth. Law Prof sometimes. Dad (3x); book author (1x)

Sep 24, 2021, 11 tweets

Countries have pledged to donate 1.9B COVID vaccines but delivered 1.1B

@samckiernan @serena_tohme combed govt websites, COVAX docs & media reports to identify the 61 nations that have pledged, where doses are going & which nations have yet to deliver 1/…

The US has most outstanding, but that is misleading as President Biden just this week added 500m to US total pledged donation by 1.1B COVID vaccine doses

Team Europe on the other hand...

Team Europe (EU Norway + Iceland) added 50M to its total pledge of 500m COVID vaccine doses

While Team Europe has administered 561M doses at home, it's donated just 33.8M doses - 6.8% of total pledge

W/in Team Europe, Germany has most undelivered

UK hasn't been much better 3/

China has consumed the most COVID vaccine doses at home (2.2 billion!) and, yet, has pledged to donate considerably less (90M) than either the US (1.1B) or Team Europe (500M)

It has, however, been quicker to deliver on its modest promises 4/

Despite claims by donors that their donations are apolitical, donation patterns suggest otherwise

Donations have not tended to go to countries w/highest current or projected case burden, lowest vax rates, or biggest populations 5/

Asia-Pacific nations are receiving 50% of all donated doses, despite having just 22% of total global cases since Nov. 2020

Latin America, non-EU nations in East & Central Europe & Central Asia receive fewer donations than risk-based approach would suggest…

To its credit, US has prioritized Latin American & African nations to greater extent than other donor nations

But US has sent 44% of its donated doses to 19 nations in Asia

10.3M went to Pakistan—the largest recipient of US vax donations—soon after US pulled out of Afghanistan

China has pledged to donate 90M COVID vaccine doses, earmarked 67.8M doses for 93 countries, of which 49 million doses have been delivered

All but six of the 93 nations to which China has pledged doses are participants in its Belt and Road Initiative 8/…

Team Europe pledged 500M donated doses, earmarked 61.1M of those doses to 54 nations. 33.8M doses have been delivered

Germany favored Africa

Austria & Lithuania favored Eastern Europe

Portugal, Spain & France sent doses 1st to former colonies

EU hasn't prioritized Asia 9/

Japan pledged 59M donated doses, earmarked 26.8M of those doses to 29 nations. 23.2M doses have been delivered

Japan has directed 89% of its donated doses to a single region: Asia-Pacific.

Japan has only donated doses to just one country outside of Asia-Pacific: Iran

A full list of donations, sources, links are included in the interactive.

The whole interactive is worth your time. Read it here!

Via @samckiernan @serena_tohme @ThinkGlobalHlth @CFR_org 11/11…

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