Richard Ward, Esq. 🧪⚙️🇺🇸 Profile picture
Crosser of lines. Deep data diver. Long walker. COVID mitigator. $NVAX-ed. Former 🧪⚙️ (UD/JHU) + JD (GTown). Seeking truth, not artificial consensus.

Sep 25, 2021, 12 tweets

/1 @CarlyAtch and @GovStitt went to Tulsa ER on date #StittVirusDeathCount hit 10,000+ Oklahoma COVID deaths not because they cared about Oklahomans.

They did it to spread disinformation, set up excuse for the deaths, and most disgustingly,

To Astroturf for DeSantis.


/2 At the time of this post, the debunked @CarlyAtch tweet of Thursday had 76 retweets, the first being from the Press Secretary of Florida Governor DeSantis, Christina Pushaw.

Coordination, or coincidence?

/3 On my scan through the 76 retweets, I found 4 (allegedly) Oklahoma-based posters, 2 being institutional, and 2 appeared to spam retweet dozens of GOP-propaganda tweets daily.

I did find lots of Floridians though.

The next 4 pages of retweets.

Coordination, or coincidence?

/4 The next 4 pages of retweets. Keep in mind, the one at bottom is oldest, so I am posting these in reverse order. On these 4 pages, Kari of OKC is on there, but appears to be involved in tweeting national issues, not local ones. Not sure if currently a bot, or real.

/5 And now the most recent 2 pages of the 76 retweets. Only one of those 4 "Oklahomans" here, and based on a scan of those followed by AJ, I see nearly zero evidence that the bot/person has any legitimate Oklahoma ties.

Yet 200k+ tweets...

/6 There are 15 quote retweets, but 9 of those are Oklahoma-based criticisms of the @CarlyAtch tweet.

There is one Oklahoma-based quote retweet which does not criticize.

From a Q organizer.

So the final score on all Oklahoma-based retweets:

5 for Carly
9 against


/7 So why all of this effort?

To nip this Astroturfed disinformation campaign in the bud.

#DeathDesantis and @GovStitt are trying to deflect from the fact that overall death rate in Florida is nearly DOUBLE the normal rate, and blame the deaths on @POTUS and his administration

/8 Now, DeSantis was able to delay the reckoning for this doubling of deaths for a while, by changing the way that deaths are reported.

This tactic temporarily reduced reported deaths from 262 per day, to 46.

The media quickly discovered the coverup.…

/9 But instead of 46 COVID-related deaths per day in Florida at the end of August/beginning of September, there was actually closer to 490.

An excess death graph shows 7115 deaths, 93% more than who usually die calendar week of Aug. 28.

/10 So, with time ticking on these excess deaths being categorized as COVID deaths, how does #DeathDesantis prevent being called #DoubleDeathsDesantis?

He sets up a campaign with his Press Secretary Pushaw to place the blame on the Biden administration.

And see the last 2?

/11 That's right, on a day that Oklahomans need support and comfort, @CarlyAtch, @GovStitt's Communications Director, paid for by the citizens of Oklahoma, is cooperating in a national disinformation campaign to coverup that DOUBLE the normal number of Floridians are dying.

/12 And why would @CarlyAtch and @GovStitt help DeSantis with disinformation?

Because that same reckoning is coming for them.

Oklahoma deaths are 45% over normal, and CDC is still counting the (notoriously slowly released) death certificates.

They need someone else to blame.

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