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Light for the 99%. | Adventures of The Order: @prophetsjournal | YouTube channel:…

Sep 25, 2021, 8 tweets



Almost there...

Then the sun went white. Rainbows appeared in our skies and even indoors. And then there was a ripple...

And our world changed. Here's a before and after of the same yard. The left is last week. The right is today.

We had one last sign before his return, and a rainbow from his throne is not a surprise...

New York, Spain, Scotland, India... look up.

The hackers just checked for rainbows in the last 10 years. They say it was 7X the rainbows!!!! That makes sense!!! The Sun's light stretches in 7's across Earth! If the whole Earth became daylight at once- with rainbows too- there would be 7x the photos of them!!!

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