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Light for the 99%. | Latest Katherine Movie adventures: @prophetsjournal | Everything Katherine on my YouTube channel!:…
Jun 22, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
TIBERIUS THE CAT STARS IN: THE SUMMER SOLSTICE 2023/7002 | Tiberius the Cat waited to take photos all day long, while Lila Cat & Tasmanian the Cat stole the spotlight. But he got his in the end. Look at these amazing photos / videos he took as the Summer solstice Sun set! #thread 2. Starting from the top! I'll be posting all of his photos tonight, from the first one I took to the last. So here we go! Tiberius the Cat, June 21, 2023 | Summer solstice | 3rd day of Summer | Second day of the fourth month (2nd day of the 4th month). Next batch!!! Tweet #3!!!

Apr 27, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Daddy only came home for a short lunch and Mr. Tiberius the cat is very unhappy with him. My husband begged for his forgiveness but as you can see Tiberius is having nothing of it!#thread 2. So I took pictures of Mr. Tiberius the cat instead. That seemed to perk up his mood! Ps. This is the first time Tiberius has sat next to me since I returned home from the hospital late yesterday. Cats love being on a schedule. Doctor visits screw with that. Love you buddy!
Apr 26, 2022 25 tweets 11 min read
DEEP SEA VOLCANO NAMED AFTER MORDOR INTERRUPTS INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING ROUTES | The waterways of Indonesia carry 90% of the world's trade. But the volcanic activity at the Karma seamount has been making waves - literally - at an increased rate since December 14, 2021. 🔽🧵#tsunami 2. Indonesia's island volcanoes get most of the headlines, and even the research activity. Take Krakatoa, pictured here. It caused such a destructive tsunami in the 1800's that explosive activity can be alarming. And it is certainly erupting today. This is a recent photo.
Apr 24, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
FUNCTIONALITY GOALS OF 2019 vs. 2022 | Thank you to my donors from around the world who have helped me achieve one of the most difficult goals on my wish list in 2019: "ability to shade with a pencil again." We did it - despite COVID-19 lockdowns! #FND #goals #Health #support ImageImage And no, I didn't use any rulers or tools. That's all freehand. I'm telling you - it's a freakin' miracle. I can't draw every day, but when I can - it brings back all these memories of when I had a body that worked. And it's important for it to remember. Thank you sooo much!!!
Apr 4, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
See that look on his face? When he left a year ago, he thought space was the greatest frontier- honorable even. And now? Now he's coming home knowing that his DNA is severly damaged. He will die slowly & painfully or die early. They've cut missions to 6.5 months at the longest.🔽 2. Not only has the newest mission cut the length of each astronaut's stay, but the team members are focusing on studies involving humans in space. You'd think they'd have done that 50 years ago!!!
Apr 4, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
1. The bear that appeared in the clouds over Istanbul, Turkey last September (at the start of the Lord's 7th month, no less) was NOT Callisto as I thought. Instead, the clouds were a detailed sketch of the Russian bear. Bears have been the symbol of Russia for centuries. But why? 2. Before I ask the big question, here's the link to the original video first. The channel 'Genenguy HHN' captured the bear's face hanging over Istanbul. Thank God it's still up. Video> via YouTube #Istanbul #Turkey #Russia #Bear #clouds (Ok. On with it!)
Feb 3, 2022 52 tweets 17 min read
Well. The Whoopie Goldberg suspension blows a hole in the minority olympics theory that black females with LGBT activist backings win every game. Nope! It turns out it's the Jewish ADL! whose tactics mirror the party they got in bed with on Aug 25, 1933: the German Nazis. #thread 2) If you watch the clip, Whoopie Goldberg said the holocaust was: 1) white people against white people and 2) really it was human against human. "It was a human problem," she said. Was she wrong? And even if she was, did it deserve a suspension? In a nation with #FreeSpeech?
Feb 2, 2022 23 tweets 6 min read
PROCEDURE TODAY!!! It's been 23 weeks since my last procedure. I only had three last year after receiving my big Functional Neurological Diagnosis. Today both Sacroiliac Joints will receive 4-8 giant needles each. It's a GIANT procedure and very dangerous. It takes GREAT SKILL.⬇️ 2/4 My last procedure was back in August of 2021. As you can see in the thread I wrote that day, the doctors worked on 10 LEVELS of my spine. That giant procedure enabled me to last the longest I ever have between injections: nearly 6 months!!! A miracle!!
Feb 1, 2022 39 tweets 12 min read
People think all the volcanoes in the world are monitored, which isn't true at all. There are thousands of volcanoes in the world and we're lucky if we get a photograph, nevermind a video of what does erupt. 1/2 2/2 I've heard that it's too expensive to monitor a volcano, but those amounts have always included ancient equipment and a university grant in the numbers. The rest of the world knows it just take a seismograph and a satellite/drone to send data back to standing monitors.
Jan 31, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
A) My cat Tiberius and his Christmas present: a car ride with Mommy and Daddy, and no one else. Just the three of us! #thread #mycats #tiberius Image B) Now, I should warn you! Mr. Tiberius Cat is nothing like Lila! Lila Cat loves car rides and begs us to drive everywhere, all day long. Look at her! She's posing for you as we speed along a major highway! Image
Sep 28, 2021 40 tweets 15 min read
TSUNAMI ALERT ISSUED FOR CANARY ISLANDS & MORE | YOM KIPPUR 2021 | It's Sept 28th and just as expected, a number of things have quickly changed. First up, the v-shaped land mass that mega-tsunami models point to at La Palma was hit with 7 new earthquakes right down its middle. 🧵 The 7-quake swarm began at 6:37 am local time, Yom Kippur. This after 0 quakes for a full 21 hours. According to, the Canary Island just stopped shaking on Monday morning. This is never a good sign during a giant eruption. It means pressure is building.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Omg. Paul the Lying Pharisee wrote a lot of these, which has lead to a million inaccurate predictions. The moment I ignored Paul, I started predicting things like the Beirut blast & even its lead up to a dead Lebanon.
"100 Verses About the Last Days"->… 1/2 2/2 So!!! Stick to Old Testament books like Joel, Micah, Enoch, Isaiah, Ezekiel, etc. Ignore Paul's 13 (big hint! God expelled the 13th tribe!) books in the New Testament, like Timothy. Most of those in the link above are copl.
Sep 27, 2021 28 tweets 8 min read
I had an epiphany today. Jesus said that earthquakes were merely signs- not his return. I don't think "the end" will be Adam & Eve at all. Why do you think we didn't die? 1/2
Look. I've been right about a lot of things. I said we'd be hit on Friday, and we were. The last Great Sign before His return occurred. It even happened at sunset just as I suggested, East Coast USA time. And the light has been different ever since, right?