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Founder of People For Chelsea (on hiatus). The former pres of Mexico thinks I have good taste in food. "The single worst account on all of Twitter."-D. Sirota

Sep 26, 2021, 7 tweets

*Trump partisan sycophant, who Trump nominated to his position does a thing*

Aha, it's clear that this guy is a rogue Deep State saboteur. A principled peace-man like Trump (who I do not support) would never!

Lol even the very article Glem cites explicitly says that Trump was the one who ordered but he is so pathologically wedded to the Trump Innocent narrative, he has to create some laughable 'Deep State' conspiracy.

During the good ol' "Russia Hoax" days, Glem used to knock all the people who took 'thinly sourced' stories like this one as blind partisans who would believe anything.......and in arguing with one of the authors of this piece, no less. But this one is different (confirms biases)

Again, it's clear who this story is about.......Joe Biden. And uhh the deep state but not Donald Trump. Maybe Obama, but definitely not Donald Trump.

Again, if you are taking this story at face value, this is just a straight up lie. The story says Trump was the one who suggested 'assassinating' Assange (in a non-interventionist manner) & The Deep State laughed it off as ridiculous.

Grim & Glem just can't stop lying.

And again, this is the type of sourcing that Glenn & co immediately wrote off as garbage nonsense during the Russia saga, when it went against his narrative. When it's something useful, well then it's just total fact.

You guys know who the real journalistic hero of this story is? That's right, it's Tucker Carlson, of course.

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