Stephen McIntyre Profile picture

Sep 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Breaking news: Alfa Bank issued subpoenas to Neustar, Packet Forensics, Vostrom Ventures and Raymond Saulino - linking all four to Rodney Joffe in the subpoena requests. Dated Sep 22, 2021 but prob not online until more recently.

subpoenas at Florida 15th Circuit court records…

subpoena to Neustar, as @hansmahncke points out, contains multiple reference to Joffe and companies that he's associated with

here is excerpt from subpoena to Packet Forensics, a company associated with Joffe and hypothesized by @Fool_Nelson as InternetCompany-2

here is excerpt from subpoena to Raymond Saulino, a long-time associate of Joffe.

excerpt from subpoena to Vostrom Ventures, previously hypothesized by FN as InternetCompany 3.

the identifications of Packet Forensics and Vostrom Ventures were more speculative than the identification of Neustar. The subpoenas to them (and Saulino) came after they were identified in this corner of Twitter. Possible that subpoenas derive from our commentary, not new info.

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