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Sep 27, 2021, 11 tweets

Some friends may not like it, but Australians know it well, it's important to talk about it. The snake season is here, & we'll be spotting more snakes around, in the bush, in parks, and occasionally coming uninvited to our homes. What should we do during such an encounter?

There are a variety of snakes found living in our Australian environment including the Sydney suburbia. Some are venomous and others are virtually harmless to humans. Snakes are a natural part of the ecosystem and play a part in keeping things in balance

Eastern Brown Snake: A slender snake extremely venomous (2nd most in🌏) & aggressive when threatened or cornered, up to 2 m long. Stay away. Let it pass. Do not interact. If bitten call 000 and restrict your movement.

Red-Bellied Black snake: Its name says it all; a red to pinkish belly with a shiny blacktop. These snakes generally grow 1.2 to 1.5m in length. This is a venomous snake although its venom is milder than the Brown Snake it must always be treated with respect.

Eastern Tiger Snake: This is a highly venomous snake that can grow to 1.2m and comes in a variety of colours from brown, olive-grey to jet black.

Green Tree Snake: This can be confused with Tiger snake. Tree snakes are nonvenomous but must not be handled if you don't know.

Diamond python: A few days ago one was found in the spice section of a grocery store in our area. It is nonvenomous and can grow to 2m. They like to stay on trees, roofs, or ceilings.

Carpet python: Some keep it as a pet. It can grow up to 1.2m. It is nonvenomous. The colour ranges from a beautiful vibrant green with a bright yellow throat, to dull green or brown (in some cases even black).

Some snakes are extremely venomous such as Brown snakes. As a general rule when you see a snake, do not interact and stay away. Let it pass. If bitten, even by apparently a harmless snake call 000 (Emergency) & restrict your movement.

@inamk6 you are liking these tweets. Don’t worry too much about snakes. We will welcome you with more cute & innocent animals when you arrive.

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