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African | Pakistani | Australian | Humanity | Love | Ahmadi-Muslim | 🇳🇬🇵🇰🇦🇺 | BEng MBA MProjMgt | Engg Leadership |
Nov 1, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
The American people have a profound opportunity to reshape their nation's trajectory in the upcoming elections, breaking free from the shackles of perpetual wars that have defined the past eight decades. It's time to reclaim the values that America has long espoused,

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yet often failed to uphold. The choice before them is clear: continue down the path of militarism and imperialism or forge a new course built on diplomacy, economic cooperation, and human rights.

Oct 4, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
The Ahmadiyya Community in Pakistan is passing through a perilous period of attention and scorn. There is a relentless campaign by religious extremists who are hell-bent on harassing and targeting Ahmadis. This is not a new phenomenon for Ahmadis. However, ...1/11 in the recent past, this drive has intensified many folds. It is appalling that our current leadership and the religious clergy misinform the public about Ahmadis. Moreover, existing legal frameworks don’t even permit the community to ...2/11
Oct 7, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
#Gaza is the largest prison camp in the world. Their revolt reminds me of the Auschwitz-Birkenau revolt of October 7, 1944.

Prisoners assigned to Crematorium IV at the Auschwitz killing center rebel after learning that they were going to be killed.
1/7 For months, young Jewish women, like Ester Wajcblum, Ella Gärtner, and Regina Safirsztain, had been smuggling small amounts of gunpowder from the Weichsel-Union-Metallwerke, a munitions factory within the Auschwitz complex, to men and women in the camp’s resistance movement,
Feb 7, 2022 26 tweets 12 min read
It is to Pakistan’s detriment that it has made arguably the most progressive of its citizenry an outcast - the Ahmadis. Despite the persecution, Pak-origin Ahmadis feel great affinity and love for #Pakistan and follow a narrative of deeply rooted loyalty.
1/13 Pakistan's state sponsored & run persecution has also alienated other minority communities from the mainstream in the last 3 decades, forcing them to migrate out of #Pakistan. This loss is why the leftover populace is becoming more religiously zealous and intolerant.

Dec 5, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
The de facto sovereign of Pakistan:

The Pakistani intellectuals on formal media forums discuss everything about the Pakistani democracy except the real issue – the Military’s status in politics.

1/12 Pakistan is not a democracy at all. It is not a hybrid system either. The military, in particular the Army, asserted itself to become the de facto sovereign since the 1960s. No law, or constitution, or political tradition makes them accountable.

Sep 27, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
Some friends may not like it, but Australians know it well, it's important to talk about it. The snake season is here, & we'll be spotting more snakes around, in the bush, in parks, and occasionally coming uninvited to our homes. What should we do during such an encounter?
1/9 There are a variety of snakes found living in our Australian environment including the Sydney suburbia. Some are venomous and others are virtually harmless to humans. Snakes are a natural part of the ecosystem and play a part in keeping things in balance
Sep 6, 2021 26 tweets 8 min read
His efforts, not recommended in any textbook, were to save Pakistan from total defeat. Field Marshal Ayub Khan said, “The Indians attacked but Ali was there.”

1/25 Major Farouk Adam (Sitara Jurat) wrote a tribute for Lt. Gen. Abdul Ali Malik, the war hero of Chawinda - the site of the biggest tank battles since WWII, published in TheNews in 1992.

Some excerpts:
Sep 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
#syedtaalayahmed #MTA
انتخاب کلام

یا رب ہے تیرا احساں میں تیرے دَر پہ قرباں
تُو نے دیا ہے ایماں تو ہر زماں نگہباں
تیرا کرم ہے ہر آں تُو ہے رحیم و رحماں
یہ روز کر مبارک سُبْحَانَ مَنْ یَّرَانِیْ
اے میرے دل کے پیارے اے مہرباں ہمارے
کر ان کے نام روشن جیسے کہ ہیں ستارے
یہ فضل کر کہ ہوویں نیکو گُہر یہ سارے
یہ روز کر مبارک سُبْحَانَ مَنْ یَّرَانِیْ
Aug 22, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
In the 2019 Women, Peace and Security Index, Pakistan ranked 164 out of 167 countries, only above Syria, Afghanistan &Yemen, and worst among 9 South Asian countries on access to mobile phones, financial inclusion, and discriminatory norms for women.
#Pakistan #WomenRights
1/10 In the Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index, Pakistan also did poorly, ranking 113 out of 129 countries and scoring low on female literacy as well as girls’ secondary education.
#Pakistan #WomenRights
Aug 12, 2021 39 tweets 15 min read
Sir Zafarullah Khan - A founding father of Pakistan, a politician, a diplomat of Muslim causes with global impact, and an international jurist, President of the UN General Assembly in 1962. Let us reflect on his illustrious career:

1/25 Born on Feb 6, 1893 in Sialkot. Graduated from the Gov College, Lahore, in 1911, went to England, studied at Kings’ College, London, and was called to the Bar having studied at Lincoln’s Inn in 1914.

Jul 8, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
Salam was the founder of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, established in 1964 in Trieste, Italy. @ICTP was named after him at his death in 1996. 25/ For over half a century ICTP has been a driving force behind global efforts to advance scientific expertise in the developing world. 26/
Jul 8, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
Dr Abdus Salam’s services for Pakistan – historical overview:

Salam was at the forefront of theoretical Physics, atomic and nuclear sciences throughout his career. His name is permanently carved into the historical records of great discoveries in the 20th century. 1/ He had a profound impact on the very fundamental areas of Theoretical Physics, in particular, Electroweak theory, Goldstone boson, Grand Unified Theory, Higgs mechanism, Magnetic photon, Neutral current, Pati–Salam model, Quantum mechanics, 2/
Jun 9, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
The #Ahmadis in #Pakistan are passing through a perilous period of attention & scorn. There is a relentless campaign by religious extremists harassing and targeting Ahmadis. This is not a new phenomenon, however, in the recent past, this drive has intensified manyfold. 1/20 میر تقی میر کا مصرعہ ہے:
سبز ہے رونے سے میرے گوشہ گوشہ دشت کا
“Every corner of the desert becomes green because of my wailing”. In Ghazal’s context, it plainly means my misery causes happiness. This hatred against Ahmadis does satisfy many including the political class. 2/20