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Sep 27, 2021, 34 tweets

1/ Given all the NFT photography talk the last days, it might be fun to share the very much "Work-in-Progress" 6529 Photo Gallery

Unlike generative art, where my thesis is clear, I think we are in a more exploratory stage in photography


2/ Some of the artists in the gallery highlighted below. Apologies in advance if I miss anyone or mix something up, going fast here.


3/ @justinaversano and Twin Flames

3/ @DrifterShoots terrifying us all

4/ @dave_krugman and Drive

5/ @noealz

10/ @F_zhiani

11/ @F_zhiani again. Those hands...

12/ @kathrinfederer and those sheep and @NamrataV01 and her trains

14/ @teexels

18/ @oveck

19/ @halecar2 and Carpoolers

20/ @klepikovadaria again

22/ and @aylaelmoussa

23/ As you can see, there are still blank walls in the gallery. We are just getting started in NFT photography and I am feeling my way through here.

There are projects that have community and there are projects with artistic qualities and there is also just a lot of fun

24/ The other observation I have had building this gallery and spending time in it is how much fun I have had.

Imagine trying to fade this.

Image thinking that this is not a better way to share your amazing art with frens around the world


25/ Error correction (I knew there was something I missed)

@RedDeadPanda's Density added

26/ Back to @DrifterShoots, this is the video of how he made the shoot that is in the gallery. Hold on to your couch very right

27/ Well Natalie looks just bad-ass here doesn't she @babak_fatholahi?

28/ As does Enthroned, don't you think @taylortresca?

29/ No real surprise that this looks great @TS446photo

30/ So @MattDoogue's extraordinary work is now sailing to greatness in the, umm, wildlife section!

31/ And Trophies from @jellyfire1 filling in the other side with another iconic image.

31/ Here is the alien Soul Plantation by @MSoulwax - looks great

32/ And @dharnidh is opening up a new wall. Go read the story of the amazing mission

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