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Research Nerd. Activist. Dog Lover. Retired Fortune 100 Executive I know things.

Sep 27, 2021, 11 tweets

Here’s another update of sorts on the #FawnFire and what’s happening for those interested.

We took a moment today to go eat lunch at a place we really like called Wilda’s in Redding.
The food is great, simple and we like to sit outside on a nice day.

Hubs met me from work and we sat outside on a bench/table next to the street. Behind us were 3 guys from somewhere close by who sat behind us. It took this picture from my car as we were leaving.

While we sat there many subjects came up:
The #FawnFire
How the fire started
Who started it
The “riot” at the capital that was being called an insurrection
And the rally they had barely heard of recently at the capital that few attended
Nancy Pelosi

First from my note:
- The #FawnFire was purposely set (correct)
- The person wh o set it was an environmentalist. (FALSE)
- The environmentalist was one b/c HE went to a college of Forestry (FALSE/NO - it’s a SHE and that’s not how it works)

- “He” was really dumb to not cover his tracks on this fire, everyone knows how to do it (FALSE/NO)
- “He” said he was a shaman so clearly he knew Biden
- “He” two Doctorates and was really stupid (Almost NO)
- Environmentalist’s are paid by Newsom to destroy CA the GOP (NO)

I turn to hubs and say - “You are going to have to hold me back” and “I’m lunching near moron’s” and “now do you know what I mean”
He just nods …

Then they bring up the “riot” at the Capital. Said it wasn’t a riot, just people exercising their rights and now folks call it an “Insurrection” and they were just exercising their 5th amendment rights.


Fifth Amendment rights.

Then they brought up the “jokes” about the trials about January 6, but then quoted some bullshit joke that was like an inside joke that was supposed to be true, but wasn’t and even 2 of the folks in the group didn’t find it funny.

Then they talked about Speaker Pelosi and Joe Biden having an alleged affair because how could they stay awake with each other all the time and then talked about Joe falling asleep at his desk and on TV and how they have a person assigned to push the button to cut him off

I look at hubs and say “hold me back” he says “stop it” and I say “do you get it now?”
He says. “Yes”
I’m like……finally

So we get up, I say nothing but want to and walk to the car. Take this picture of them leaving and think, “I’m surrounded by morons”.

Help me……

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