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Journalist || Videos: || Editor of Geopolitical Economy Report (@GeopoliticaEcon) || English/español

Sep 28, 2021, 5 tweets

At the UN, Nicaragua said the pandemic exposes "the irrational & oppressive system of capitalist exploitation"

Rich imperialist countries hoard vaccines while building more weapons. "It's part of the heartless creation of savage capitalism, an insatiable desire for accumulation"

Nicaragua condemned the constant US meddling in its internal affairs, noting that the imperial attacks hinder its fight against poverty, "which is the world's cruelest pandemic."

"It is not the US empire that elects the government of Nicaragua; it is the Nicaraguan people."

At the UN, Nicaragua condemned the illegal, "savage" sanctions the US and EU have imposed worldwide.

"In times of pandemic, these measures become a crime against humanity."

Nicaragua reaffirmed "our solidarity with the more than 2 billion people who suffer from these sanctions"

Nicaragua called at the UN General Assembly for reparations to combat climate change.

It stressed that rich imperialist countries have caused the majority of environmental damage, and thus must contribute much more.

"The biggest emitters have that historic responsibility"

Nicaragua's Sandinista government used its platform at the United Nations to call for an end to US and British colonialism in Latin America and the decolonization of Puerto Rico.

Cuba also joined Nicaragua in calling for Puerto Rico's independence and freedom.

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