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Pronouns: I / Me. You are welcome to refer to me in a negative way but you must adhere to these while doing so

Sep 28, 2021, 48 tweets

Here's a thread of just some of the statements Labour Party politicians have made recently when asked about women's rights and spaces against the backdrop of an increasing number of males who identify as women. First up, Sir Keir Starmer

Lisa Nandy

Alex Sobel

Barry Gardiner

Dawn Butler

Lloyd Russell-Moyle

David Lammy

Emily Thornberry

Nadia Whittome

Rebecca Long-Bailey

Angela Rayner

David Lammy (again)

Sadiq Khan

Stephen Morgan

Jeremy Corbyn

Catherine West

Taiwo Owatemi

Ben Bradshaw

Shami Chakrabarti

John McDonnell

Kim Johnson

Yvette Cooper

Anneliese Dodds

Charlotte Nichols

James Murray

Angela Rayner (again)

Stella Creasy

Emily Thornberry (again)

Hefin David (Member of the Welsh parliament)

Stella Creasy (again)

Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford

Chris Bryant

Bell Ribeiro-Addy

Kezia Dugdale

Paulette Hamilton

Hannah Blythyn (Minister in the Welsh parliament)

Nick Thomas-Symonds

Rosena Allin-Khan

Jess Phillips and Charlotte Nichols

Clive Lewis (and Zarah Sultana, Nadia Whittome and Apsana Begum)

Angela Eagle

Kate Osborne

Harriet Harman

Sarah Champion

Wales’ new first minister, Vaughan Gething­

Luke Pollard

Rachael Maskell

Ashley Dalton

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