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Political Analyst, Most overrated threader on twitter, Citizen of the Universe, Normally spell it: emperor

Sep 28, 2021, 10 tweets

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Ermm, well there is the Bonn Declaration that said that politicial union was implicit in the treaty.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Which led to a massive negotiation on political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel With Macmillan saying they were anxious to move forward to political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Then when we were vetoed we said we really wanted to be part of that political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Then it was Wilson's turn to talk about political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Then his chief negotiator to talk about political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Then we were vetoed and we tried again, and that meant a new negotiator talking about political union.

"On political union they are only just begining".

Not a wishful hope for the future mind..

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel Then of course, Wilson gets voted out and we get yet another negotiator talking about political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel And then obviously they announce they are going to a summit to discuss political union.

@steveflatman @ByronEdwards9 @Baddiel And then they come back and announce European Union by 1980.

So yeah, it was mentioned.

By every Prime Minister, every chief negotiator, for 10 years.

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