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Doing SEO stuff. Likes dogs, pizza & Google Sheets (in that order). Made 👉 @sheetsmarketers.

Sep 28, 2021, 8 tweets

How to find easy to rank keywords (based on domain age)

The premise of this method is simple:

Find young websites ranking for terms you want to rank for.

If a new-ish site with low authority can rank for a KW, so can do too with a more established site (probably).

1. Get URLs

Google a keyword you want to rank for.

Update search settings to show 100 results

Copy all page URLs

2. Get domain ages

Paste URLs into a bulk domain age checker.

There are lots of free tools available that all do mostly the same job.

3. Export results to sheet

Order domain age newest to oldest.

Now the fun begins...

4. Find new sites ranking well

Here's where you want to comb through to see which new sites are ranking well.

You want to find something like this, low DR suggests the keywords are easier to rank without links.

5. Dig in

Open up the site in Ahrefs Organic keywords:

Filter to see keywords in position 1 - 10 + order by traffic high to low.

Now you have a list of easy to rank keywords (that are also sending traffic) .

6. Rinse & repeat

Now go through the same process for all the newest sites.

By the end of the process, you should have a good list of easy to rank keywords.

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