World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information Support WHO:

Sep 28, 2021, 8 tweets

It's International #AccessToInfoDay.

We are all being exposed to a huge amount of #COVID19 information ℹ️ on a daily basis, & not all of it is reliable.

Here are 7⃣ tips for telling the difference & stopping the spread of misinformation 👇…

WHO uses #socialmedia to communicate 📡 vital health information to millions of people around the 🌎🌍🌎.

Are you following us yet on these platforms 👇?


To fight #COVID19 misinformation, WHO has collaborated with @Twitter , @Facebook , @instagram, @LinkedIn , @Snapchat, @tiktok_us, @Pinterest, @YouTube, to direct people to WHO or national health institutions when searching for coronavirus information ℹ️

@Twitter @Facebook @instagram @LinkedIn @Snapchat @tiktok_us @Pinterest @YouTube ℹ️ Get the latest information about #COVID19 from trusted sources via WHO @WhatsApp service
Start by typing ‘hi’.


@Twitter @Facebook @instagram @LinkedIn @Snapchat @tiktok_us @Pinterest @YouTube @WhatsApp Have questions about #COVID19? The answers are at your fingertips.

ℹ️ Subscribe here to the WHO @messenger Health Alert 👉

@Twitter @Facebook @instagram @LinkedIn @Snapchat @tiktok_us @Pinterest @YouTube @WhatsApp @messenger WHO and @Viber fight #COVID19 misinformation with an interactive chatbot available in more than 20 languages 👉

@Twitter @Facebook @instagram @LinkedIn @Snapchat @tiktok_us @Pinterest @YouTube @WhatsApp @messenger @Viber Once subscribed to the WHO @Viber chatbot, users will receive notifications with the latest news and information on #COVID19 directly from WHO.

Join the WHO Viber service 👉

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