Feminist Proper Gander Profile picture
The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Sep 28, 2021, 5 tweets

so I guess I have a new rabbit hole to look down into

thoughts and prayers appreciated

so first things first, "inverted" is this community's own vocabulary word for the worldwide conspiracy of secretly trans folks who rule the world

and this community (which reminds me a *lot* of SRA in the way they talk) believes basically EVERYONE is secretly trans

this is fringe but not as fringe as you might like

this thought leader has 12k followers and clearly didn't get them from followback trains

they're big fans of 'gait' as evidence, because they apparently think women all walk like runway models and men all walk like cowboys

also worth noting that this is the first conspiracy theory I've seen in a long while that seems to be absolutely incompatible with QAnon, because they preach that the Trumps are also inverted Baphomet worshipers

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