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Australian snow and snow weather, hydrology, climate ... other stuff. I reciprocal follow, and reciprocal block. Abusive tweeters get an immediate block.

Sep 29, 2021, 6 tweets

#Ozsnow Spencers Creek; data from @snowyhydro at….

Is finishing up quite a fat season by modern standards, even though it will only have been above the average curve for two weekly measures.

Gain and loss:

Deep Creek with one more little blip.

...And Three Mile Dam without.

Kosciuszko has a pretty sad snow cover downtrend now at mid-altitudes. (This is season integral depth == snow depth in metres times the number of days it was there.)

Can plot similar for Three Mile Dam, a low altitude snow measurement site in northern Kosciuszko (near Selwyn). It is more erratic, but if anything the recent decline is worse.

Over the last ~20 years, the bigger seasons have vanished!

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