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Sep 29, 2021, 6 tweets

BREAKING: Jamie Spears has been immediately suspended from Britney Spears' conservatorship. #FreeBritney

After a legal battle that has persisted since Spears was placed under the court-ordered arrangement in 2008, Judge Brenda Penny ruled that Spears’ father will no longer serve as conservator of his daughter’s estate, immediately removing him altogether.

CPA John Zabel will temporarily replace Spears’ father in the role of conservator of her estate, meaning he will now control all of her financial decisions, for a short term, until next steps are determined, in regards to terminating the conservatorship.

Spears’ conservator of her person, Jodi Montgomery, who manages her day-to-day wellbeing and medical decisions, still remains on the case.

No decision was made on the fate of the conservatorship altogether, which Spears’ attorney, Mathew Rosengart, said should be terminated this fall. Rosengart suggest setting a termination hearing within the next 45 days in either October or November.

Vivian Thoreen, the attorney for Spears’ father, strongly objected to the suspension and called Zabel a “stranger” on the case.

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