Ministry of Education and Sports - Uganda Profile picture
The Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda.

Sep 30, 2021, 14 tweets

Happening now: Release of the Uganda Vocational Qualification occupational and Modular assessment results for the year 2020. #EducUg

#EducUg | @dit_uganda has over the years registered an increase in the number of candidates. Over 200,000 candidates have been assessed between the year 2016 and 2020. This year there was an increase of 3.8% in the number of candidates

@dit_uganda Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic including the lockdown and the adverse effect on the Education sector, @dit_uganda has not slowed down.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda There was an increment in registration of candidates from 62,772 in 2019 to 65,126 in 2020 and the Assessment Centers also increased from 1,089 to 2,792 in the same period.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda Shortage of vocational skills retards the capacity to solve problems, slows down the process of national transformation and prolongs the journey to development.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda Vocational skills are vital for the individual, enterprises and the economy since they lead to self-reliance, increased productivity and higher incomes for the nation.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda The Directorate of Industrial Training is now ISO certified. (ISO number 9001:2015 Certificate number UG92580A) therefore; it is now recognized internationally.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda The @GovUganda has piloted skilling programs for the youths and women throughout the five divisions of Kampala. These include the Presidential Initiative on Skilling the Girl and Boy Child Programme and all are being assessed by @dit_uganda.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda The @GovUganda is set to establish more centres to train and equip the youth and women in carpentry, fabrication, welding, shoemaking, embroidery, tailoring, weaving, hairdressing, knitting, bakery, crafts and stone-cutting.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda I urge Ugandans especially the youths to utilize the available skilling opportunities put in place by the Government to acquire relevant skills that suit the dynamic world in which we live today. -Hon.@JCMuyingo, State Minister for Higher Education
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda With high rates of youth unemployment faced by the country, learners in schools and those out of school should take advantage of the opportunity to register with enterprises and vocational institutions to acquire demand-driven skills.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda Over 500 pupils of #Mbarara Municipal Primary School together with some of their teachers led by the Head Teacher were assessed.
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda I pray that vocational education and training become mandatory by law and all business, technical and vocational enterprises in Uganda should employ skilled workers and competent technicians. -Hon.@JCMuyingo, State Minister for Higher Education
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

@dit_uganda I encourage all heads of education institutions of learning to mobilize teachers, non-teaching staff and learners above 18 years to go for #Covid19 vaccination as we prepare for the reopening of schools. -Hon.@JCMuyingo, State Minister for Higher Education
#UVQM2020 #EducUg

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