Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Sep 30, 2021, 10 tweets

I'm rather surprised that this storm, remnants of Severe Cyclone Gulab re-emerging over the Arabian Sea after transiting India does not appear to be a designated storm. Looks like a cyclone to me.

Here's a 12 hour animation of rains over Ethiopia which are part of the same monsoon burst, which to me looks like it is stronger than what was forecast in the major models.

Here's an animation showing two cyclonic systems over India yesterday, The one on the left is Gulab (Which means "Rose" in Hindi. The one on the right is designated as Invest 98B.

Here's the EPS (ECMWF Ensemble) spaghetti diagram of possible forecast trajectories of the two cyclonic systems as determined by the European global weather model.

Here's a closeup of #Gulab as it crossed the coast near Mumbai last night, and very rapidly developed massive convection over the Northern Arabian Sea.

And here is an animation in the same time frame of 98B. Both storms have very large and well organised outflow systems.

Further east here is Super Typhoon #Mindulle (yesterday) approaching Japan.

Here's a near live image (super dramaticI). Though Super Typhoon #Mindulle remains on a trajectory that mercifully keeps it well away from Japan, its outer bands are already bringing rain over much of the archipelago.

While it's not obvious, in the image above you also see a rain band across North East China. This area was identified a few days ago as experiencing extreme rain and the cause of this appears to be down to cyclonic outflows from cyclones Gulab and 98B.

Here's the same view on September 26th, 27th and 28th and today (Sept 30th).

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