Cathy 🌻@Narcaware Profile picture
Power without accountability is a speeding car with no brakes. Destined 2 crash destroy stuff & kill people. BiGLiE : BREXiT : SloMoJAN6 #WhoWatchesTheWatchers?

Sep 30, 2021, 21 tweets

Marcus Tullius Cicsero
106BC- 42BC
Roman Philosopher

If alive today would have been a Remainer 🙃
Hated Brexit
Appalled by Populism
Disgusted by the arrogance, deceptions & perfidy of Tories
On twitter.
Champion social justice
Speaking truth
Seeking justice
Demanding Better


On Brexit Consequences.

3/ On Labour's position on Brexit/ freedom of movement

4/ On explaining to the public why a good leader will tell you Brexit is a mistake.

5/ On not knowing what you got till it's gone. & galvanisation of courage getting it back.

6/ On Brexit Trade 'Negotiators' (would have 'Really' loathed Frost)

7/ On Kleptofascist Cronyism./ Disaster capitalism.

8/ On Regulatory State Capture Checks & Balances

On the ignorance of Govt Spartans.

On sarcastic tweets to BBC


On Reminding the Press Lobby journalists what they are there for.

On Social Justice & Equality.


On the Etonian sausage factory.


On Johnson's
Vote Leave Tory Govt

On the fact that Boris Bloody Johnson is the Prime Minister.


On the insult of a 3month invite to EU HGV lorry drivers


To our friends In the North & South about the GFA & NI protocol.


For Raab

For Ukipers Patel & Farage.
We see you.


On Boris Johnson

🪶_____ FIN______🪶

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