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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Oct 1, 2021, 12 tweets

No sympathy for Sibal as it was his kutil buddhi that powered every action to implicate PM @narendramodi - check this thread about various comments of @KapilSibal on d orders of same Gandhi’s,who are attacking him for merely Qng him today-compare it to BJPs response to his lies!

Shri @KapilSibal who has been shown his place by goons of @RahulGandhi to show him real fascism of Gandhi dynasty as practised by daughter of Stefano Maino- alleged Mussolini Army veteran- used to say this thing about dynasty against media created fascists- but none attacked him

Shri @KapilSibal created the bogey of Justice Loya murder to help @RahulGandhi and his fascist mom to implicate @AmitShah and PM @narendramodi - no BJP person attacked him; we know what happened to him when he took on his own handlers of family of owners of @INCIndia

It was @KapilSibal who called @narendramodi a Model Of Dividing India at the instance of @RahulGandhi and his mom- no BJP worker threw tomatoes at him nor they protested against his house or tried to ransack his car then.

Sh @ManishTewari karma calling?

It was @KapilSibal who taught @RahulGandhi the benefits of falsely attacking @RSSorg by associating Godse with RSS by taking name of Pujya Hedgewar jee- no RSS swayamsevak went after him the way Cong-goons of @RahulGandhi did after he took on Gandhi dynasty!

The Godse card of @RahulGandhi was the original brainchild of same @KapilSibal who is facing his ire today for questioning his and his mom’s leadership in Cong - check this video for that

This same @KapilSibal used disparaging remarks on the history knowledge of PM @narendramodi but none of his supporters gave him the treatment that @RahulGandhi ‘s did!

Check how @KapilSibal didn’t even correct himself after @sanjaypugalia tried correcting him for using uncharitable remarks on PM @narendramodi - did u @ManishTewari see or hear any BJP worker do to him what ur own @INCIndia workers did as below?

In this interview with @bdutt Shri @KapilSibal even went to the extent of mocking PM @narendramodi ‘s grip and command on language- but @ManishTewari no BJP workers threw one peck of dirt back on Sibal - that’s called culture!

It was Kutil buddhi of @KapilSibal that was behind all Gujarat riot propaganda against PM @narendramodi - and he continued this till last - not one stone was thrown at his car when he deserved tons of that. That’s BJPs culture unlike @RahulGandhi bred on original fascist culture

See how even this level of subservience shown by @KapilSibal to @RahulGandhi wasn’t enough to save him from his wrath after he took on fascist family of @INCIndia

It was last month when @KapilSibal uttered these lies & baseless comments about @narendramodi Govt- no one bothered an eyelid but irony is that he accused Modi Govt of destroying Ind from fascism & real fascism was shown to him by goons of @RahulGandhi

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