Ziran Jay Zhoa 🍉 Profile picture
#1 NYT-Bestselling & Hugo-Award-Disqualified Author (IRON WIDOW + ZACHARY YING) | They/Them | French Twt: @xiran_francais

Oct 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Oh my god @KaijuKombat, N/F/Ts aren't going to be a thing, STOP TRYING TO MAKE THEM A THING. You are grossly misrepresenting the Ultraman brand by associating with a pyramid scheme like that. Your success at this game is lower than the anatomy quality of your models.

What the hell are you doing making people buy N/F/Ts for access to a fighting game???


Like what the hell is this?? You know exactly what you're doing to the planet and you're pushing it anyway

OK so it's pretty clear that Elevated Games (elevated.games/#contact) licensed Ultraman to make a mobile game but it's actually a front for an N/F/T grifting scheme. I'm not sure if @tsuburayaprod knows what's really going on and I'm pretty concerned.

I mean why does this game studio have a blockchain engineer 😭

threatening to steal small fan creators' art and banning people for "talking negative" about your "game" in an ALPHA TESTING SERVER is a real good look for you guys

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