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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 1, 2021, 9 tweets

Trump General Ledger Thread 1/

In criminal case of Allen Weisselberg we knew that Weisselberg kept double bookkeeping for Trump. That is the ultimate evidence against any fraudulent accountant. Allen will lose his trial. It is game over

Now we learned about Trump General Ledger

Trump General Ledger Thread 2/

In the earlier documents, we knew that OTHERS (plural) had committed tax crimes - Weisselberg himself did not pay about a million dollars worth of taxes, with penalties he has to pay $3M

Others (Don Jr, Ivanka, Eric etc) ALSO committed tax fraud

Trump General Ledger Thread 3/

Weisselberg's tax fraud alone (not counting his OTHER crimes in other criminal cases like money laundering, sanctions busting, campaign finance & emoluments frauds) gets Allen 10-15 years inside prison AND the fine of $3 million dollars

Trump General Ledger Thread 4/

In earlier court filings we saw that Manhattan DA knows there is someone at Trump Org who committed BIGGER tax fraud crimes than Weisselberg. We KNOW this has to be Donald Trump but the DA has not said so. Now we know. Now we found out about Ledger

Trump General Ledger Thread 5/

Weisselberg kept double bookkeeping to hide tax fraud. He kept a SEPARATE crooked book of Trump crimes as the Donald J Trump General Ledger

This tells us the biggest tax fraud was Trump (we knew it, now we know there is evidence with Manhattan DA)

Trump General Ledger Thread 6/

Having the ACCOUNTING of a tax fraud, will guarantee the criminal conviction of the tax fraudster. It is the SMOKING GUN

It also establishes CRIMINAL INTENT. Trump cannot claim accident in tax filing. This was INTENTIONAL tax fraud

Trump General Ledger Thread 7/

So far Donald Trump has not been indicted on New York tax fraud (tax crimes never expire). His accountant was caught and his accountants's criminal bookkeeping has been seized by prosecutors

Weisselberg will do 10-15 years and pay $3 million to NY

Trump General Ledger Thread 8/

This is a Mafia trial. The boss is ALWAYS tried last. The Manhattan DA will prosecute the criminals in SEQUENCE

First was Michael Cohen
Now Weisselberg
Next Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka
Trump will be tried last

Trump General Ledger Thread 9/

But now we know, in tax fraud case where Weisselberg gets 10-15 years plus $3 million fine

Trump is the bigger criminal

Now there is a #TrumpGeneralLedger that proves Trump criminal intent. Trump will certainly lose this trial when his time comes

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