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Oct 1, 2021, 8 tweets

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World, we’re generously offering digital marketing tips to our most beloved animated characters. #DisneyWorld50

Princess Ariel: We’ve noticed you seemed to have lost your share of voice. A boost to your organic social efforts will ensure you stay part of our world. #WaltDisneyWorld50

Ursula, you’d gain more poor unfortunate souls if you invested in longtail keywords. The more specific, the better i.e., “dark deals with a seawitch near me.”#DisneyWorld50

Scar: Looks like you’ve got a ranking problem. You’ll never be number one at Pride Rock if you don’t invest in proactive SEO. #DisneyWorld50

Aladdin: With so many suitors competing for Jasmine’s hand, you could really benefit from our competitor analysis to gain the upper hand. No genie required. #DisneyWorld50

Fantasia’s Chernabog: You are the least popular villain by search volume, at only 14.8k US searches a month. Time for a rebrand and some heavy PR outreach. #DisneyWorld50

Evil Queen: Cloaking isn’t a good look. You need to take a long hard look in the mirror, mirror on the wall and reevaluate some of your black hat tactics. #DisneyWorld50

Prince Charming: There are more efficient ways to find who you’re looking for. Local paid search ads might help. We’d suggest bidding on keywords like “missing glass slipper.” #DisneyWorld50

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