The Provost / سيدة الفتنة Profile picture
Your Lady of Chaos (Theory) | Cassandra of Geopolitics | MENA - Nazis - ISIS - political violence - etc. |

Oct 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Qat Jr. was making a LOT of noise during this morning’s talk, so I wanted to troubleshoot before the next one I’m doing here in a bit.

At first, it seemed like his regular…

… “breakdancing in the litter box” nonsense

But on further examination, I learn…


Thankfully, I’ve got enough time to clean this up and lock him in another room for my next speaking engagement.

Wrapped up a long, long day with a last-ditch “please let this wear him out so he doesn’t breakdance in the litter box or play rugby with his poop” effort.

Tonight, we took Hex on a walk to the pool.

(And I swear to God he’s already even bigger than yesterday - AGAIN).

How. The. Hell. Is. This. Mammoth. Only. Four. Months. Old.

Left: me holding baby baked bean at 3 months old

Right: him next to my partner’s size 12 foot at four months old - tonight

(I know Savannah cats are supposed to be giant but I’m beginning to think he’s a Shetland pony or something.)

In case you’re wondering why I’m so freaked out by his growth rate, let me show you the (probable) future about which I’m in denial.

No, we didn’t realize when we adopted him that this…

…is what his parents and grandparents are.


Hostilities have escalated with Qat Jr., and I was forced to arm myself.

I’ll keep you posted.

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