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Oct 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Gottheimer clearly feels cut off at the knees. Which makes sense because that’s what it feels like when you get cut off at the knees. He pulled this power play forcing a firm deadline for the BIF to delink the two bills. It was a ballsy move. He reasoned or probably …

2/ more like Mark Penn reasoned that having locked in that date he could then rely on Pelosi to jam the Progressive Caucus and the substantial number of Dems outside the Prog Caucus to force them to pass it. She wasn’t really in a position to do that. But what clearly has JG …

3/ on fire is that she didn’t try that hard. She tried really hard to get a new linkage deal. But she made no effort to force them to vote for the BIF absent some concrete agreement or framework. And why wouldn’t she? Well maybe because linkage was her position in …

4/ the first place. It also seems like she didn’t like having this impudent gimbus from north jersey trying to bigfoot her. I mean who knows? Just spitballing.

5/ The richest part of this is the message Gottheimer’s scalding statement about Pelosi actually sends. He accuses her of betrayal and being a liar. But the real message it sends is of someone clearly cut out of the negotiations going forward. It speaks volumes.

6/ I’ve never seen any congressional Democrat speak to or about Pelosi in that way. You don’t see Joe Manchin or Kirsten Sinema putting out statements like that. And why would they? Theyre still at the center of the action. Even though the Progs and Prez have regained …

7/ some leverage clearly Manchin and Sinema still have the dominant hand. Gottheimers tantrum is what you get from someone who was cocky and confident and predicting champagne toasts not 36 hrs ago and got yanked back like a yo-yo.

8/ Basically don’t mess with the queen.


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