Elisha ben Abuyah Profile picture
elishabenabuya@nerdculture.de Husband & Grandpa. Not a scholar. I was a religious Jew. Now I just enjoy the OT/Rabbinical texts as literature. No pointless DMs.

Oct 2, 2021, 9 tweets

(Due to a holiday, I didn't get to post much about Gen 1-6, so here's a late thread about Adam's WIVES.)

Because of contradicting narratives in the Torah-anthology, legends were invented.

The result is more entertaining than the myths themselves.



First up, we have Lilith. Because Gen-1 says man and woman were created at the same time, and Gen-2 changed that, we get a story about a mate who declared she was equal, wanted to be on top during coitus, so Adam hated her, and God disposed of her:



Next, to answer why Adam had to sleep while God made a women, we have the story of Adam being grossed out when he watched God making one, all that blood and organs, and wouldn't touch her

So God got rid of her!



So before God made Eve, he noticed that Adam was lonely, so he made animals and Adam boned them all, but wasn't satisfied, according to one legend!



So new we get to Eve. Gen-1 says that he made him/them as male/female, which could mean conjoined twins. So when God removed Adam's side, he was splitting them apart.



Another interpretation is that Adam being male and female was really a hermaphrodite. And that would make Eve a hermaphrodite as well, I suppose.

Which gives new meaning to "It's Adam and Eve, not "Adam and Steve!"



Please keep in mind that there is a lot of sexual tension and humor in Gen-3, and that brings us to what was going on with the serpent, who was cursed to become a living phallus?



I bring that up because it was Adam who was evicted from the garden, and it was Adam who would eventually die.

Not Eve.



The end.


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