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Linguist, lawyer, writer, refugee, immigrant • Analyzing propaganda, media, Russia, Ukraine • @Euromaidanpress @StopFakingNews • Democracy•Inclusion•Innovation

Oct 2, 2021, 11 tweets

Of course, Fox: 2 months after he appeared on Foxnews railing against the Russia investigation, Eastman was sitting in the Oval Office with Trump.

The Lawyer Behind the Coup Memo on How Trump Could Stay in Office Despite Losing Election (better headline)

😳“Soon, Mr. Eastman was meeting face to face at Mr. Trump’s urging with the attorney general, William P. Barr, and telling him how Mr. Trump could unilaterally impose limits on birthright citizenship.”

Eastman is just chock full of fringe far-right autocratic ideas, isn’t he?

Shocker: fascist AND racist. Eastman got on the Trump campaign’s radar with a birther-y article he wrote questioning @KamalaHarris’ legitimacy to be POTUS b/c her parents were immigrants. Jenna Ellis—another disbarment waiting to happen—brought it to Trump’s attention in a tweet.

btw in my mind Jenna Ellis will always be that uber annoying officious flight attendant in Meet the Parents

This is interesting. There’s a second longer coup memo. Since the plot continues, it’ll be important to see exactly what vulnerabilities they see.

And who is the desperate “Trump aide” that contacted Eastman 😬on Christmas Eve😅 to write a legal memo on the Jan.6 certification??

🤑Aaand there’s always a grifter element in TrumpWorld.

Eastman’s not only continuing to “investigate” specious reports of election fraud. He’s “writing a book on the subject.” And wants to represent Trump.

Of course he does. Lawless & litigious Trump is a goldmine for lawyers.

Man, they’re all so cynical & devious. Eastman didn’t even believe in the power his coup memo said a VP had! Yet he teamed up w/ Trump to pressure Pence anyway.

The White House (Meadows?) called a meeting for Jan. 4. “Eastman was the only adviser to the president in the room.”

omg Pence is so pathetic

“Did you hear that, Mr President?” Pence said to Trump at the Jan 4 meeting, pointing out that Eastman acknowledged the VP didn’t really have the power Trump wanted, to not certify Biden’s electoral victory on Jan 6.

Yeah, right. Trump talked about 12th Amendment legal scholarship.

“It started with the president talking about how some of the legal scholarship that had been done, saying under the 12th Amendment…” Eastman said.

This is really a damning report. Eastman didn't just write a memo to lend legitimacy to a coup. He conspired w/ Trump to suborn sedition—pressuring Pence to subvert a democratic election, knowing his legal theory was bogus.

Subpoenas, indictment, disbarment can't come too soon.

btw Before this @nytmike & @maggieNYT report on Eastman’s acts to make his coup memo a reality, Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky said Eastman should be condemned, shunned & disciplined for helping Trump subvert American democracy. That’s not enough now. sacbee.com/opinion/op-ed/…

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