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Oct 3, 2021, 8 tweets

So who are the attorney's that Michael Sussmann has gathered for his defense team?
3 have filed appearances with the court.
Natalie Hardwick Rao, Michael Bosworth, & Sean Berkowitz all from the firm Latham & Watkins

Natalie Hardwick Rao started with the CIA for 2 years as a military analyst after graduating from Duke University. Then attended law school & has been an Associate with L&W since 2010.

Michael Bosworth joined Latham & Watkins as a Partner in July 2020.
Clerked for a Federal District Judge, Appeals Court Judge & a Supreme Court Justice. Also spent a lot of time at SDNY with DOJ.

Then it gets interesting...

7 months as Special Counsel to FBI Director Comey...

Followed by 2 1/2 years as a Deputy Counsel to President Obama...

Followed by 7 months at NYU Law & into private practice...

The NYU appointment is interesting because 3 Obama Admin officials joined the staff that Spring.
Michael Bosworth, Lisa Monaco (former AAG for National Security & now DAG), & Preet Bhara.

Interesting group going to NYU...
Also interesting because I found a strange FOIA request from a lawyer at NYU's Brennan Center.

A FOIA request on 04/18/17 to DISA for records related to SCIF's at Trump Tower & Mar-A-Lago.
DISA runs all US classified computer networks.

Haven't had time to dig on Sean Berkowitz, but he used to work in the DOJ office for Northern District of Illinois, covering the Chigago Swamp.
He also worked the Enron case with Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, & Andrew Weissmann

Then after he retired fro DOJ following his work on the Mueller Special Counsel team, Andrew Weissmann also joined NYU...

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