Dr John B. Profile picture
Scientist, lecturer & father. Whistleblower. I've published over 150 peer-reviewed papers (e.g. NEJM, The Lancet, PNAS). I care about your health. https://t.co/TYGQImPR83

Oct 3, 2021, 19 tweets

(1/n) A microscopy analysis of a Pfizer-BioNTech #Covidvaccine sample.
The analysis was performed with bright field and phase contrast microscopy and applying rigorous scientific and hygiene standards.
Two samples were analyzed from the same vial.
These are the results:

(2/n) Focusing on the border of the drop (yellow arrow) reveals tiny particles of different sizes and light refraction properties:

(3/n) Zooming in, the larger particles were found to have a diameter of about 1 µm.
For comparsion: Diameter of a human hair: 70-90 µm (link.springer.com/article/10.168…), human red blood cell: 8 µm (sciencedirect.com/science/articl…), SARS-CoV-2: 90-100 nm (nature.com/articles/s4159…)

(4/n) The smaller particles are about 0.5 µm (= 500 nm) in diameter:

(5/n) Some particle aggregations were also visible in the liquid:

(6/n) Fiber-like structures can also be seen. Their diameter is in the nm-range. (Remember, a human hair has a diameter of about 70-90 µm).
Some of them look like a continuous fiber (a, c), some have branches (b, d).

(7/n) More fiber-like structures. A ring-like structure was seen once (d).

(8/n) A futher class of particles: comparatively large and with unique light refraction properties. They come in different shapes (e.g rod-like, squares):

(9/n) More of these objects:

(10/n) And more:

(11/n) A few unusually shaped objects were found, e.g. a 45 µm long ribbed structure (b) and a particle of about 10 µm in diameter with some “spikes” attached (d).

(12/n) Parts of the liquid crystallized after about 15 min. Encapsulated areas can be seen with crystallized objects of different sizes inside. It’s almost beautiful.

(13/n) Sometimes, these encapsulated crystallized areas (white arrow) contained objects with different light refraction properties to the particles surounding them (yellow arrow):

(14/n) Oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structures can be seen:

(15/n) These oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structures have complex internal sub-structures with compartmentalization and particles of different sizes:

(16/n) One oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structure was found attached to a fiber-like object (yellow arrow) with a diameter of about 10 µm:

(17/n) Conclusions (1):
- The Pfizer-BioNTech #Covidvaccine contains particles and objects of different sizes, shapes and light refraction properties
- Complex aggregates and crystallization of these particles and objects were found

(18/n) Conclusions (2):
- The nature (chemical properties, elemental composition) of these particles and objects is unknown
- Careful interpretation of these images is required
The objects could simply be the ingredients of the vaccine – or contaminants

(19/n) Conclusions (3):
- There is an urgent need to further investigate the ingredients and purity of the #CovidVaccines

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