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Independent investor. Concentrated portfolio in high-quality companies with ethical, competent management. Accidental fungus baron.

Oct 3, 2021, 7 tweets


Select highlights from Friday’s @TorontoCouncil meeting discussing Covid-19 response, w/important implications for Ontario at large.

Thank you @kristynwongtam for asking @epdevilla fair questions regarding myocarditis in young men and recent vaccine guidance changes:


In response to a question from the Speaker asking about differences between the vaccines, @epdevilla, insists they’re safe and effective, and does not publicly state the ~7-fold difference between Moderna and Pfizer in 18 to 24 males after their 2nd dose.👇🏼


@PublicHealthON, and by extension Toronto Public Health, were aware of this material difference in the Moderna/Pfizer safety profiles > 5 weeks ago. Did @epdevilla make the Board of Health or Councilors aware of this troubling difference in outcomes? What took so long?


@TorontoCouncil wants better data: “…the information we have to provide has to become more granular…I know that @epdevilla is committed that information in her monthly reports is going to be further disaggregated…age specific incidence for effects form vaccine” Awesome!


"We’re going to scale up to go to 5- to 11-year-olds.."

@joe_cressy if you are confused by the recent, abrupt Ontario announcements—here’s an offer of help to unpack the data on young males and any new data that @epdevilla provides before mandated child vaccination begins.


Finally, @kristynwongtam, thank you again for advocating for a data driven and respectful approach: “I just want to make sure that we really focus on the details that addresses the concerns of folks out there without belittling them without smearing them as anti-vaxxers..”

Link to full council meeting below. Note: some clips above were sped up to fit the Twitter video clip time limitations. Relevant section starts around 5 hour mark:

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