Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

Oct 3, 2021, 8 tweets

(March 1978): The Unification Church was founded in 1961 by Kim Chong Pil, director of the Korean CIA, as an influence operation targeting US Congress and American officials and senior officials of the Nixon administration knew about it.…

(Nov 1977) "Internal Unification Church documents provide new details on how the followers of South Korean evangelist Sun Myung Moon organized their elaborate campaign in late 1973 to defend President Nixon from impeachment."…

(Sept 1977) 73 Record Tells of Plan by Sun Myung Moon Aides for Drive Against Nixon Impeachment…

It's pretty wild how the new incarnation of the Moonies has managed to attract speakers like Joey Gibson, Steve Bannon and Dana Loesch to bumblefuck Pennsylvania for several years (video from 2020)…

icymi the Moonies are having another gun festival in 5 days. 😬


I recall a flurry of articles about “Putin’s Long Game” and I wonder how menacing would that headline feel if it was “South Korea’s Long Game” … not so much?

Also SK was involved in social media shenanigans long before 2016… (so was Mexico but I digress)

“Execs of Unification-related entities have acknowledged that money from Japan & Korea fuel US operations, but the magnitude & mechanism of those payments, as well as their exact sources, have eluded investigators on 3 continents over the past 3 decades.”…

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