Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 4, 2021, 15 tweets

UPDATE SUMMARY on the 5 Paths to Prison for Trump/1

1 Weisselberg (Manhattan DA) NY Taxes
2 Giuliani (Federal) Ukraine
3 Matt Gaetz (Federal) leads to Trump selling Presidential pardons
4 Roger Stone (Federal & DC) January 6th
5 Tom Barrack (Federal) UAE

5 Paths To Prison Summary Thread 2/

Allen Weisselberg now criminally prosecuted. Had first court date. We discovered prosecutors found MORE evidence against Weisselberg (= someone has flipped) and Allen's own attorneys expect MORE CRIMINAL CHARGES. Next court date is in January.

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Bombshell revellation in Weisselberg, there is a 'Donald Trump General Ledger' that was kept which lists Trump's own tax fraud. This means Trump cannot escape by blaming Weisselberg of being an incompetent accountant and somehow Trump victim.

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Giuliani case is with Special Master who is reviewing the evidence seized by FBI in raid of Rudy's office & home. This work is mostly done. There was one dispute about some last files, that was decided by judge against Rudy.

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The Feds collected evidence proving Giuliani committed crimes. Special Master is nearly done reviewing that. When she hands final evidence to prosecutors, a few days after that they will arrest Rudy. That happens this October. Any day now

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Matt Gaetz's teen rape did not involve Trump. But Gaetz-Trump connection with rape crime involves a plot to sell a Presidential pardon by Roger Stone and Jared. That is the crime with longest prison time to Trump (maybe 800 years).

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The Matt Gaetz rape trial will lead to Roger Stone & Jared, both of whom will flip against Trump - and reveal the full Bribes-for-Pardons scheme. This is why Trump is so personally invested in Gaetz's rape trial & Gaetz overall.

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Matt Gaetz's rapist pal Joel Greenberg confessed & pleaded guilty. He was given 30 days to rat out his rapist pals including Gaetz. But Joel knew so many OTHER crimes, he was given 90 EXTRA days to spill all he knows. That is why there's delay

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Joel Greenberg 90 days ends in November. He will then be sentenced. After that, Matt Gaetz will be arrested. Florida Gov DeSantis cannot pardon Gaetz for federal rape crime. Gaetz faces MANDATORY MINIMUM of 20 years. His arrest late Nov or Dec

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Roger Stone is first of January 6th PLANNERS to get caught (very likely first) because several of his Oath Keeper pals, caught in Jan 6th, have confessed and at least 2, possibly 4, are testifying to FBI against Roger Stone.

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I said to expect Roger Stone arrest towards end of the year. He has recently behaved like someone expecting a pending arrest. I have no signs of WHEN it will happen, could happen any day, week or month. Roger Stone will be arrested soon.

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Tom Barrack was arrested on his foreign policy crimes related to UAE (United Arab Emirates = Dubai + Abu Dhabi) including the extortion of Qatar. He is out on bail awaiting first court date which is this October.

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There will be several dozen court cases against Trump during this decade. There will be over 20 CRIMINAL cases that he will LOSE, which include these 5 I mentioned, each that leads to Trump LIFE IN PRISON. I am not looking at the small stuff

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These 5 people will all FLIP ON TRUMP. Any ONE of them flipping sends Trump to prison for LIFE:

1. Weisselberg
2. Giuliani
3. Matt Gaetz
4. Roger Stone
5. Tom Barrack

I will do full updates of all 5 cases in Threads for you (next few days)

PS - on Tuesday: we learned that in Gaetz case his rapist pal Joel Greenberg has just requested for 5 more months to spill more crimes to Feds. Feds agree to this request, it tells us Joel has been handing out heavy crimes and criminals to Feds so far

Gaetz arrest moves to March

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